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Dogs at Hurley Regatta

We have been asked by Hurleyford Farm, who generously donate the use of their riverside meadows for the regatta, to enforce a dog-free policy at this year's regatta both on the field and in the car park. 

During their annual health and welfare review it was identified that dogs could spread Neospora which could cause cattle to abort and Gid which can invade the nervous system of sheep. Both infectious diseases are spread in the faeces of dogs. 


We realise that many participants, spectators and their families will be very disappointed by the no-dog policy. But like us, as animal lovers, we are sure you will support this decision which could cause considerable distress to animals on the farm.

Hurley Regatta

Hurley Regatta takes place at the Regatta field at the end of Mill Lane, Hurley. Signposts on the day will guide you.

For sat navs you can enter SL6 5ND which will get you to Mill Lane. Our privicy statement can be found HERE

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